Provide Shelter for Animals

Provide Shelter for Animals

    FEEDING STRAY DOGS – One of the first few projects taken up by our team very early on is our feeding project. We currently feeds 80-90 dogs in the streets on a daily basis to make sure these dogs have the basic amenities to survive on the streets. We currently feed the dogs packaged dog food / Biscuits as it is easier for our team to procure and feed on the spot. Many of these dogs also receive on the spot medical treatment if they ever need it.
    REHAB FOR INJURED ANIMALS – In our cities animals born on the streets have to face many difficulties and challenges living a life alone on the streets. They have to fend for themselves, make sure they survive while tacking the urban cities. Animals on the streets often get injured hit by vehicles, harassed by humans and sometimes even end up in fights with other animals. Many times these small injuries resolve themselves but often times they require medical attention.

    That is where our team steps in to help – if we come across an injured animal on the streets they are picked up by our Volunteers and rushed to a nearby vet. The animals then stay with our team to recover and once we believe they can fend for themselves released back to the same area. Currently we have very limited space for injured animals to recovery so we are unable to help all the animals that are in need of help. But with your support hope to expand our rehabilitation project and help many more injured animal recover.
    REHOMING – SBGC FOUNDATION since inception has focused on rehoming street puppies, kittens and abandoned animals. Most of the puppies and kittens born on the streets learn from their mother at a young age how to survive on the streets. But ever so often there are those that get separated from the mother and even some who get injured and are unable to survive on the streets without our help.