Camping For Blood Donation

Camping For Blood Donation

    We appreciate for your initiative for this noble cause and we are always here to help. Blood Donors are real hero as they are helping to save human life. Donating blood is a simple thing to do, but it can make a big difference in the lives. Our volunteer/staff will ask you to fill a form with brief information on contact details and medical history.
    Before Donating Blood The donation process from the time you arrive until the time you leave takes about 20-25 minutes. The donation itself is only about 8-10 minutes on average.

    The steps in the process are :

    Eat something substantial before your appointment.
    Have plenty of liquid the day before donation, especially in warm weather. In the 3 hours before donating, have at least 3 to 4 good-sized glasses of water/juice.

    Physical Health check-upYou will be examined by a doctor to answer some questions about your health history. Your blood pressure and hemoglobin level will be checked.